Round table conference on caste free India was conducted on 22ndOctober 2018 at Madina Education Society, Nampally, Hyderabad.Sri Kaki Madhava Rao IAS, Sri Murali IAS,Sri Vinod IFS&Ambassador, Dr.Siddoji Rao Convener of IAS, IPS Officers Forum, Prof Kanche Ilaiah, Prof Vijay, HCU, Prof Sudarshan OU, Bala Krishna, Director, Samata Academy, Gopala Krishna CEO, ACE Engineering Academy, Dalit and women organization heads, Doctors, Senior Advocates and Activists have participated. Jhansi Geddam National Convener of DSS have presided over by conference and Daniel Vijay Prakash Program Manager of DSS briefed about the objective of conference, recent brutal murder of Pranay and brutal attempt to murder of Sandeep on caste lines.

The participants have deliberately sounded that we have to “SAY NO TO CASTE”, build a movement against the existing caste society and figure a casteless society. They also felt that the caste manic murders/attacks are on the raise and the caste chauvinism tendencies are on the raise. This curtain raiser conference should wage a united battle and pave way for a casteless society. Similarly, they expressed their deep apprehension over the recent so-called honor killings and have raised the below mentioned concerns:
Caste chauvinism is deep rooted
There is no honesty in the society and we are hypocrites
The dominant communities have caste feeling and they say no for marriages with SCs and STs whereas they happily enjoy them sexually.
The dominant communities enthusiastically to give their daughters for SC, ST s who are IAS/ IPS
In our country caste is an un curable decease
The so-called upper castes have privileges, power and force.
Many says that through education the caste system will abolish whereas the universities across the country have become caste hubs and the recent murder of Rohit in HCU is a good example.
For the society people like Maruthi Rao (Murderer of Pranay) is the best example who has amassed hundreds of crores with out any hardship and productivity
The present second and third generations are not that particular on caste and they don’t know the roots of the caste therefore, we need to burn into ashes the caste system immediately
The so-called honor killings by the dominant communities says that “you must be prepared for punishment though mistake is not yours”
Caste is everywhere in our country to abolish the caste system BCs, SCs and STs have to unite.
The media has no caste concern, it never thinks to annihilate the caste barriers and they have gone to the extent of projecting and protecting the accused
The society is in such a way that we can change the sex, appearance, color, religion but can’t ever change the caste
The experience of one of the participants in the RTC “I as a dalit was not allowed into the temple nor fetch water from a well, after becoming IAS, I was taken into the temple with all honors
A massive Campaign across the country have to be launched against the existing caste system
Being the elections season, we need to negotiate with all the political parties to keep this point in their Manifesto
To form a coalition with likeminded people irrespective of caste
Inter caste marriages have to be encouraged by announcing good and handy schemes with necessary protection
In the Central Government among the top 50 posts of Secretaries not even a single SC or ST has been appointed
Neither the judiciary nor the police department do not have the lens to perceive the caste corner, for instance in the recent attack on attempt to murder on Sundeep by the father of the girl the police have said that there is no caste angle in this brutal attack.
We are living in a society where the caste is laying like a devil everywhere and we have an impression whether can we come out of this illness of caste.
The castiesm and caste norms are deep rooted in our country and everywhere they have been formulized and therefore, they are puncturing the development of the nation
The SCs and STs are more in number in the work force which builds the wealth of the nation, using them as a work force for the development of an individual has no caste barriers but to see them equally with them has caste barriers.