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Ambedkar Birth Anniversary Celebrations

Writer's picture: Dalit Sthree SakthiDalit Sthree Sakthi


On April 14th 2023 on the eve of birth anniversary of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, DSS team celebrated the event by garlanding the statue of Ambedkar on Tank Bund, Hyderabad.  Jhansi Geddam, National Convener of DSS along with the team reached Tank Bund and garlanded the statue.  State Coordinator, Bhaygyalakshmi, State Women Collective leaders Sumathi, Sunitha, Sujatha, Anitha, Manjula and other participated in the event.  After garlanding the statue, the team raised slogans about Ambedkar and his thought.





April 14th 2023 marks 132nd birth anniversary of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.  Usually everyone from the Chief Minister to the common man celebrates the birth anniversary of Ambedkar by garlanding the statue or photo of Ambedkar and there ends the matter.  But, DSS thought of educating dalit

women and general public about Ambedkar thought on the occasion of 132nd birth anniversary of Ambedkar and decided to conduct a seminar on the topic “Reflections on The Present Governance in The Light of Ambedkar’s Thought”.   The idea is spread among the people the concept of democracy and equality as enunciated by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.  Since everyone will be engaged on April 14th, it was decided to conduct the seminar on April 18th.  Accordingly, a seminar was conducted on the above topic on 18th April 2023 at Ambedkar Resource Centre, Lakdikapul.  The dignitaries that participated in the seminar were: Sri. Gopal Rao, IAS retd., Sri. PSN Murthy, IDAS, Retd., Dr. Sudha Rani, DBRAOU, Sri. Venkata Reddy, National Convener, MV Foundation, Sri. B. Manikyam, Dy. Engineer, TSPDCL, Sri Sajaya, Sri. Arshia.


Sri. PSN Murthy, explained that the essence of democracy is transparency, accountability to people and involvement of people in administration so that they can collectively solve their problems.  But unfortunately, now though kings are not there, autocratic form of ruling is going on.  People should be enabled to plan their own development in a democratic way and Dr.B.R. Ambedkar visualised such a democratic form of government.  We all should learn Ambedkar’s thought and try to implement his ideas.  In the name of democracy, the present politicians are garnering votes from the people by distribution of their ill-gotten money through corruption.  People have become accustomed to take money from all contestants, but are voting for the candidate they like.  Dalits were subjected to various forms of oppression in the past, but now we are able to question those practices.  Likewise, we should be able to question the anti-democratic and anti-constitutional practices in the light of Ambedkar’s thought.

Some political forces are now trying to bring in Presidential form of government in the place of existing parliamentary form.  We should be cautious and thwart such attempts, as there is a lurking danger of reverting back to autocratic rule in such a form of government.  Likewise, the institution of Governor is now operating against the spirit of the Constitution.  Governors’ system was introduced in the Constitution by Ambedkar with the objective of co-ordinating between the State and Centre.  Governors are supposed to act as a bridge between the State and Centre to promote people’s rights and welfare.  Unfortunately, now governors are acting as representatives of the ruling political party at the centre.  We should be able to change this situation.


Another danger, that is going on is an attempt by a few political forces to re-write the Constitution to suit their political agenda.  These forces want to change the present Constitution and bring in changes to transform India as a theocratic state of one particular religion.  People should be vigilant to foil such nefarious endeavours by certain sinister forces.  We should be ready to even sacrifice our lives to eradicate the violence on Dalits and minorities and we should protect and promote their rights.


Sri. Gopala Rao, applauded the awareness of the youth and Dalits in general about Dr. B.R.

Ambedkar.  He commented that Dr. B.R. Ambedkar continually inspires and kindles the democratic aspirations of the people and this is evidenced in the fact that Ambedkar births anniversary is celebrated in every village by the youth.  Sri. Gopala Rao, commended the events like celebrating the birth anniversary and remembering Ambedkar on his death anniversary. Nevertheless, he cautioned that we should also learn his teachings and try to implement his doctrines.  In this context Sri. Gopal Rao outlined that democracy and social equality are the two chief aspects of Ambedkar’s   thought.  Ambedkar visualised a society wherein governance should be in accordance with democratic principles with the participation of people and further that, all the natural resources should be accessible to everyone equitably.  He praised the significance of Indian Constitution in protecting the social order in the way that we have it today.   If the Constitution as drafted by Ambedkar were not to be there, this country and society would have gone asunder and we would all have landed up in a vilest, despicable and frightening turmoil.  He explained that the casteist, religious and economically dominant forces are driving the society and country into exploitative, divisive and chaotic social order.  Despite these negative forces, we are able to be still united, survive and continue in at least to the extent that exists today, purely due to the existence of the Constitution of India.


He continued further and observed that emancipation of women from all forms of oppression was the chief agenda of Dr. Ambedkar.  In this context, he much-admired the contribution of Jhansi Geddam in empowering the dalit women.  He reminded the audience about the efforts of Ambedkar to enact Hindu Code bill for the emancipation of women and how it was thwarted   by male dominant forces.  Referring to the present situation wherein family rule is the order of the day; he lamented the crisis situation that we are now facing.  He called upon the women to march ahead for protecting people’s rights, democracy and to educate the rural masses.  He appealed to the women to toil for the unity of castes and to educate the children on Ambedkar ideology.


Dr. Sudha Rani, said that Dr. B.R. Ambedkar is extolled throughout the world and he is regarded as

world citizen.  But his vision is yet to become a reality in our country.  A society ridden with caste hierarchy can never become an ideal and democratic society.  She appealed to all to shed feelings of inferiority and vote as a united force, at the time of elections.  The purpose of any law should be to promote social equity and eradicate oppression.  Governance in accordance with peoples’ wishes and with their participation is the hallmark of democracy.

Sri. Venkata Reddy, commented that the topic selected for discussion was an apt topic and it reflects the courage of the organisers in choosing such an important topic.  There is dearth of people who are willing to come forward for expressing their views on the topic.  He remarked that democracy is in danger and the ruling elite has excluded people’s participation in governance and confined people only to the extent of voters.   Ambedkar visualised a transparent governance with peoples’ participation and involvement, but now people are kept in darkness about what is happening in the governance.  The ruling elite are looking down upon the people in the electoral politics and are perceiving them as purchasable voters.  The ruling parties are enticing the votes of poorer sections and in the process dragging the people into dangerous form of governance.


B Manikyam called upon the women to follow Ambedkar ideology. She cautioned girls and youth concentrate more on knowing about great people like Dr B R Ambedkar and not to waste time in watching unwanted videos and chats in the mobile phones. She warned girls to be more careful in chatting with strangers and could not believe new contacts on Instagram, WhatsApp and face book.

Other speakers Sajaya and Arshia appreciated DSS work and enlisted the dalit women about the present-day politics of communalism. They appealed to the dalit women to learn more about gender issues and educate their children and the community.

Bhagya Laxmi, State Coordinator of Telangana spoke about the governance at the local institutions of Panchayatraj etc and described that those institutions are exhibiting caste dominance and bias. She said that DSS is imparting trainings to the personnel of Panchayatraj institutions to work in accordance with law and constitution. She thanked all the participants for sharing their views and making the seminar a grand success. 




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