Dalit Sthree Sakthi
economic empowerment
Facilitating Economic Empowerment to Dalit Women
Assertion for rights inspires to grow and be independent economically and economic independence boosts self-assertion. Both are intertwined and one strengthens the other. Hence it is necessary to devise plans for economic independence of dalit women by enlightening them and motivating them to demand for various entitlements.
Women are particularly vulnerable to economic insecurity and financial dependence. Household surveys show that women are less likely than men to receive a pension in old age, and where they do, their benefit levels are usually lower. The women collective members are equipped with knowledge on issues and identification of issues. The women collective members of respective villages are instrumental in identifying the beneficiaries and preparing applications, submitting them in the grievance cells and regularly follow up for achieving them. In the process of accessing rights & entitlements they have procured the maximum number of schemes.
Dalit Women as Entrepreneurs
DSS has been insisting for the implementation of SC Sub Plan and Tribal Sub Plan and has raised its demand for equal budget to dalit Adivasi women. It played an active role in getting the SCSP/TSP Act in the year 2013. DSS has translated the Act into local language and campaigned continuously in all its villages. At the end of the year (2013) DSS organized a RadhaYatra for 10 days with a contingent of 100 dalit women and campaigned on SCSP/TSP Act in its working area.
DSS has been continuously creating awareness to its women collective members on the importance of economic empowerment to bring change in dalit women lives. In this process the women collective members, youth organizations, Dalit Women as Entrepreneurs.
DSS has been insisting for the implementation of SC Sub Plan and Tribal Sub Plan and has raised its demand for equal budget to dalit Adivasi women. It played an active role in getting the SCSP/TSP Act in the year 2013. DSS has translated the Act into local language and campaigned continuously in all its villages. At the end of the year (2013) DSS organized a RadhaYatra for 10 days with a contingent of 100 dalit women and campaigned on SCSP/TSP Act in its working area.
DSS has been continuously creating awareness to its women collective members on the importance of economic empowerment to bring change in dalit women lives. In this process the women collective members, youth organizations, Panchayat Raj leaders and team were trained on the Act and various schemes through the concerned department under SCSP/TSP Act.
300 selected women collective members have been given continuous inputs on the entrepreneurship and other essential aspects. All these 300 members have been registered with industries department with all necessary information, documents pertaining to their respective businesses. Similarly for all these 300 members on line application have been filed for the concerned banks seeking loans. Some of the women collective members got benefitted.